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Production: Alina film (Suisse)

Coproduction: Radio Télévision Suisse

Script and direction: Mathieu Epiney
Writing voice over: Leandro Basso

Music; Alan Mumenthaler

Editing: Damian Plandolit
Sound edit and mix:
Carlos Ibañez

Animators: Mathieu Epiney, Etienne Mory, Ellis Ka-yin Chan, Raquel Cruz, Simone Krogh, Nicolas Sole

Character design: Pepon Meneses, Robert Zed



Animatou - International Animation Film Festival - Genève

TOFUZI International Animated Film Festival , Georgie

RISING OF LUSITANIA AnimaDoc Film Festival, Pologne

Animateka, Ljubljana, Slovénie

FIPADOC, Biarritz, France

Journées cinématographique de Soleure, Suisse

Courts toujours! Josselin, France

Short of the Year, Espagne

Chambal International Film Festival, Inde

Santiago del Estero Film Festival, Argentina

Cabriolet Film Festival, Beirut

Jim Thorpe Independent Film Festival, Pennsylvanie

New York City Independent Film Festival

Aaretaler Kurzfilmtage, Switzerland

Animate - Australia Animation Film Festival, Australia

Europanorama - Ljubljana International Short Film Festival, Slovenia


a short animated film by Mathieu Epiney,  12', DCP, 2021, color

The legendary aviator Charles Nungesser, is adrift in the middle of the ocean on the wreckage of his plane,
the White Bird, as he attempted to cross the Atlantic with his companion Coli. He replays certain passages of his life,
made of challenges, of a constant relationship with death and danger, while his last moments seem to have arrived this time.

With the support of  the Office Fédéral de la Culture, with the participation of Cinéforom, and the support of the Loterie Romande.

Coproduction with Radio Télévision Suisse.


Mathieu Epiney is a Swiss director and musician, born in 1982 in Geneva. After studying at the École Supérieure d’Infographie 3D ARIES Annecy, he worked as a graphic designer and in 2006 lauched a career in audiovisual production. He has directed several animated films, including Trottoir (2009) and Spermathomme (2012). His latest short film Cyclopedes (2014) was awarded the Taurus Studio Prize for Best Soundtrack at the Animatou Festival and the High Swiss Risk Award at the Fantoche Festival.

As a musician, Epiney has been involved in the creation of several albums with Genevan groups. He combines his dual passions for music and images by producing video clips for Swiss and international groups like Duck Duck Grey Duck, Cyril Cyril, Yael Miller, Naja Vibes, Bumblebees, The Yelins, and Concrete Jane.

Alina film / CP 1326 / 1211 Genève 1 / +41 76 372 21 96 / / VAT-TVA: CHE-114.429.953

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